Laserable materials

General information

Thie materials are made of a layer of acrylic material used as a base and a much thinner layer used for color contrast. These materials are found in a wide range of colors, textures and features (there are such materials for interior, exterior, stickers, magnetic).

Uses: engraving, computerized cutting, advertising materials, company plates and engraved signs, interior and exterior signage, badges and pins, industrial engraving, volumetric letters, HoReCa signaling, notice boards, timetable, auto tuning. For more information on special laserables and available colors visit the engraving materials page.

What can we engrave

in various laserable materials?

  • All
  • anniversaries
  • business anniversaries
  • funerary
  • gifts
  • hospitality
  • Industrial
  • Medals
  • photoengraving
  • Promotional
  • signage
  • trophies

Mask for machine control panel

masca materiale speciale pentru panou comanda utilaj

Menu covers and payroll

Coperți Menu și nota de plata

Accommodation rates signage

Tarifar cazare cu șine

Restaurant / business toilet signage

Semnalistica cu gravura pentru toaleta restaurant Bosfor

Engraving promotional gifts for companies

martisoare promotionale business pentru cadouri promotionale, 1 si 8 martie, aniversari firme

Unique gifts engraving

martisoare unicat

Awards cups Iași Cultural Trophy

Cupe Iași Cultural Trophy

Cutting the Key to Success in Metalex

decupare cheia succesului in metalex

Engraving medal 50 years

Gravură medalie 50 ani

Anniversary medal engraving on plush map

medalie aniversara gravata in metalex in mapa plusata

Engraving medal in wooden box

Gravură medalie în cutie din lemn

Medal engraving in gold metal

medalie gravata in metalex auriu in cutie din plastic

Ion Creanga medal engraving

Medalie aniversara Ion Creanga

Engraving on school medals

medalii prescolari gravate in lemn

Icon engraved in metalex

fotogravura icoana in metalex

Award plaque in black acryl and metalex

placa premiala din acril negru si metalex

Signboard plate for collection cars

placa semnalistica Fiat vechi

honorary citizen plaque

placheta cetatean de onoare cu gravura in metalex auriu in mapa plusata rosie

photoengraved plaque

placheta cu fotogravura in mapa plusata albastra

Thanksgiving engraved plaque for teachers

placheta de multumire multumire pentru profesori universitari teologie in metalex auriu

Plaque on plush map for married young people

Placheta de aluminiu eloxat gravata si placa metalex in mapa pentru tineri casatoriti

Container signage plates

placi semnalistica containere din metalex

Wood shield with engraving in metalex for military unit

scut lemn cu gravura in metalex auriu pentru unitate militara

Transparent acrylic trophies

trofe acril metalex pe acril transparent

Trophy Cup of Romania in acryl & metalex

trofeu acril si metalex Cupa Romaniei

Trophy music festival

trofeu pentru festival de muzica cu gravura in metalex si mapa grena plusata

Wood shield with engraving in metalex

Gravura in metalex pe trofeu scut de lemn

Anniversary plaques with engraving

placheta aniversara din metalex cu vopsire in gravura

House number engraved in laserable material

engraving for house signage

engraved keyrings Tatoofest

brelocuri gravate tatoofest 2012

Engraving promotional keyrings for automotive companies

Brelocuri promoționale gravate pentru firme automobile in metalex

Real estate developer door keys and numbers

brelocuri si numere pentru usa dezvoltator imobiliar

engraved wall clock gift

ceas de perete gravat pe material dublu strat

children photoengraving gifts

cadou martisoare fotogravura pentru copii in materiale speciale, metalex

Metalex business card for carpentry company

carte de vizita gravate pe metalex pentru firma tamplarie

engraved business cards

carti de vizita materiale speciale metalex

custom cavalet in laserable material

cavalet personalizat metalex

Wall clock with thermometer

ceas de perete gravat pe metalex, materiale speciale, cu termometru

Custom wall clock

ceas de perete materiale speciale metalex

Engraved distinction

Distincție de merit gravată

Engraving on promotion badge Negruzzi College

ecuson gravat pentru promotie colegiul Negruzzi

Engraving memorial plate for funerary monument

placa comemorativa pentru monument funerar

Engraving business plate 60x30cm

placa firma gravura metalex 60x30cm

Engraving funerary plaque

placa funerara metalex auriu

Engraved badges with window

ecusoane metalex cu fereastra

Engraved white badge with red paint in engraving

ecuson alb cu rosu in gravura

engraving on company badges

engraving wall clock in the form of a drop

ceas de perete picatura

Laser engraved cemetery plate in metallex

placa cimitir gravata laser in metalex

Commemorative plaque for teacher / director

Placa de comemorare profesor director in metalex

Engraved commemorative plaque

placa funerara gravata in metalex auriu cu negru

Signboard plate for bar / restaurant on paved wood

placa semnalizare pentru bar gravata in metalex, materiale speciale pe suport lemn

Signaling plate with rail and interchangeable characters for confectionery

placa semnalizare gravata in metalex cu sina si caractere interschimbabile pentru cofetarie

Laserable plaque for office on aluminum rail bracket

placa metalex pentru birou pe suport aluminiu cu sina

Marriage Anniversary Plaque

engraved plaque for godmother and godfather

placheta cerere nasi

engraved honorary plaque

Placheta comemorativa de dimensiuni mari gravata in metalex 300x500mm

engraved plaque in plush box

engraved plaque on plush map

diploma A4 cu fotogravura

Engraved wood-based plate

Placheta gravata pe suport lemn

Commemorative plaques heroes fallen into war

placi commemorative pentru eroi cazuti in razboi, gravate in metalex

Living and dead engraved church plates

Placi vii morti

Prize engraved in metalex on MDF support

premiu gravat in metalex pe suport MDF

Art Gallery Signage

semnalistica galerie de arta gravata pe metalex in rama

Signage for company doors

semnalistica metalex pentru usi companie

Resin trophies

funerary plaque laser photoengraving

fotogravura laser placa funerara in metalex

Accommodation signaling

Semnalistica ușa cazare

Birthday medal on leather

Medalie aniversară pe suport piele

Metalex medal in plush map

photoengraving in laserable materials

fotogravura laser cadou familie

Engraved self-adhesive labels

autocolant gravat si decupat

Masks for equipment

masca echipamente electrice
Discover other materials
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about your next project!

In every personalized product at we have the passion and dedication
as the main ingredients. We are pleased to be at your disposal at any time
to offer you the best solutions for personalizing the desired product.

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